We are a wholesale warehouse for footwear made in Spain with more than 35 years of experience located in the city of Elche (Alicante).
Distributors of leather shoes with excellent quality and price.
We have a wide collection of models for all audiences.
A team of footwear professionals at your disposal to help and advise you in the purchase of our articles.
We have our own manufacture and exclusive brand suppliers, such as:
Lady (Digo Digo , Cumbia , Vida , Marlene Prieto, Be Relax, Ana Garcia, Coquette, Torres, Carmesí etc.)
Caballero (Dj Santa, Becool, Primocx, Cackoy, Nautic Blue, Comodosan, Valerio, Blando's, Duendy etc.)
Child (Xiquets, Avarca Menorquina, etc.)
We provide our customers with the possibility of placing their orders in our warehouse in Elche, via telephone / WhatsApp, email, or through our online catalog.
With the possibility of buying by free assortment, not forcing to buy full boxes.
Our articles are aimed at shoe stores, shoe wholesalers, shopping centers, clothing stores, on-line stores, department stores, fashion and accessories shops, etc. Retail sales are totally excluded (final consumer, private client)